I feel so much better after 8 1/2 hours of sleep! I woke up this morning and jumped out of bed. I was going to skip a run today in favor of some strength training, but I had way too much energy. I ended up running 4.5 miles and felt great the whole time! It should have been all that cereal carb-loading I did in the afternoon. Oops!
Note: I wasn’t in love with the love crunch granola. It’s good, but not great. However, I am in very crazy love with Cinnamon Sweets and to be sure it isn’t a fluke, ate 3 bowls Camiseta Selección de fútbol de Corea del Sur yesterday. plus numerous handfuls. It’s better than I can describe.
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I got A Covid-19 Test
Getting a Coronavirus test – how it works, what it feels like, my experience and more. I got the conventional test and Ben got the Covid-19 rapid test.
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How to do the lower Body workout for Runners A
After my run I made a easy breakfast of bagel with PB and pumpkin butter and Pineapple Chobs with extra pineapple cottage cheese and chia seeds stirred in.
I still can’t believe I got these tulips from the 99 Cent store!
Love love love.
Question: Do you have a green thumb? I completely didn’t think I did until I got these flowers! Ben and I have killed everything from plants to crabs to goldfish. It’s a miracle vegas has made it this far…
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