BCAA Supplementation Roundtable

Jun 1, 2023 Uncategorized

Do we need BCAA supplementation? The dispute rages on. The following artilce is an excerpt from Jamie Hale’s new book knowledge and Nonsense: the science of nutrition and exercise.D. Moore: No, this is completely wrong. If eating within maintenance levels with appropriate protein, you will already be getting sufficient BCAA content. Let’s think about this. a lot of whole food proteins (including protein drinks) are made up of about 15 percent BCAA. Therefore, a 220-lb bodybuilder who eats 2 grams/pound/day is already receiving about 66 grams of BCAA per day. even if cutting, a lot of bodybuilders still eat sufficient protein. Therefore, he would still be consuming sufficient BCAA. I think somehow people started to believe that BCAAs are magical where lean mass retention is concerned.

I think a lot of believe that during exercise our bodies are utilizing huge amounts of BCAAs for energy. While we do use some, the increase is far smaller than other macronutrients. In fact, the boosted turnover in protein from exercise is only about two- to three-fold versus 20- to 30-fold for carbohydrate and fats. Now, of course, this protein must be replaced. However, I don’t believe it’s needed to increase BCAA ingestion above what is already consumed in whole protein.

Of the three BCAAs, leucine appears to be the most crucial in stimulating protein synthesis in skeletal muscle. The consumption of leucine alone is nearly as effective in stimulating protein synthesis as supplying all three BCAAs. Of course, creating a synthetic environment would be very helpful to a bodybuilder. If this could occur to any great extent during a cutting session, that would be even a lot more advantageous. Unfortunately, there is little scientific evidence to support the idea that in a hypo-caloric state, boosting BCAA content above what is obtained from food is needed or of any consequential advantage in boosting synthetic rates.

Recently, it was reported that co-ingestion of protein and leucine with carbohydrate stimulates muscle protein synthesis and optimizes whole-body protein balance when compared with the intake of carbohydrates alone Camiseta Real Madrid after 45 minutes of resistance exercise. There may be some accumulating evidence now that supports the idea that orally-ingested BCAAs have an anti-catabolic effect during and after exercise. but again, there is nothing in the scientific literature that shows that these BCAAs need to be supplied in a separate form from whole food.

There may be some relationship to BCAA and fatigue from low intensity, long duration exercise, but this isn’t something a lot of bodybuilders have to be concerned with. Unless of course, their pre-contest preparation involves very long durations of exercise and they have a low fatigue threshold that they wish to increase.

J. Harris: I’m a lot more of a fan of BCAAs in the off-season. BCAAs, specifically the BCAA, L-leucine, are very anabolic compounds. They are somewhat insulinogenic in their actions, and L-leucine is shown to essentially be the certain amino acid activate for protein synthesis. because of this, I feel they can supply benefits above and beyond the normal amino acid profile found in a lot of foods. Unfortunately, when dieting, we are not trying to find a state of anabolism. We are seeking to halt catabolism. BCAAs can be utilized directly by the body for energy, which is a different mechanism than other amino acids.

I believe in their benefit so much (especially around weight training sessions) that I formulated my own product called “anatrop.” Antrop consists of certain amounts of BCAAs and L-leucine, which I feel creates a higher level of anabolism when the body is a lot of receptive to those nutrients.

B. Haycock: BCAAs are great as a pre-workout supplement, especially when taken with a good amount of carbs. outside of that, they are not a very good use of one’s money. A regular protein drink or other high quality protein will work just fine for the rest of the day.

M. Berkhan: No, you get plenty off BCAAs from food protein sources, especially whey protein. There’s nothing showing any benefit of excessive dosing. because BCAAs are very glucogenic, they will a lot of likely end up in your bloodstream as glucose. Bodybuilders who eat piles of protein and consume BCAAs on the side are throwing money down the drain.

A. Aragon: No, supplemental BCAA is not needed unless you’re not consuming enough high quality protein. Bodybuilders get marketed to death about the benefits of free-form BCAA when there’s no objective evidence of their benefit over the pre-existing BCAA within the matrix of real food. people forget that BCAA is abundant in lots of foods in nature, especially animal proteins. I base all of my beliefs and recommendations on scientific evidence, not subjective placebo and marketing driven testimony. You can be sure that if someone believes (by whatever indicates it took to convince him) that extra BCAA will work, it will. However, it’s the belief that’s the active agent, not the BCAA.

You can create the same effect by convincing someone that a lucky rabbit’s foot in his ideal pocket will increase his lifting strength. If the person is genuinely convinced or even if the person has deeply vested hopes in the product or protocol, it undoubtedly will work. The mind has powerful effects on the body. It always has and always will.

Until I see solid replicated scientific evidence of the benefits of stacking supplemental BCAA on top of a pre-existing high protein intake (as compared to simply boosting total protein), I’m not going to get into the hype. I’ve even experimented with my athletic clientele and had them ditch supplemental BCAA in favor of an boosted protein intake. Not only did I save them a lot of money, but their performance and body composition continues to improve. I know that it’s not a securely controlled experiment, but it absolutely puts me at ease that I’m not missing out on any “magic.”

L. Norton: BCAAs have been shown in scientific research to increase protein synthesis and minimize protein degradation. However, lots of people suggest that one can just increase their consumption of whey protein, which is rich in BCAAs. Unfortunately, this is not the case. The BCAAs in whey are peptide bound to other amino acids and need to be liberated through digestion and absorbed into the bloodstream in buy to exert their effects. even though whey protein is relatively fast digesting, it still takes several hours for all of the amino acids to be liberated and absorbed into the bloodstream. However, BCAAs in supplement form are free-form BCAAs and require no digestion. Therefore, they are rapidly absorbed into the bloodstream, spiking blood amino acids to a much greater extent than peptide bound amino acids.

Even a few grams of BCAAs will spike plasma levels to a much greater extent than a 30 gram dose of whey protein. It will also impact protein synthesis to a greater degree (van Loon et al). The reason a supplement has such a powerful effect on the blood levels of BCAAs is that unlike other amino acids, BCAAs are not metabolized to a significant extent by the small intestine or the liver. Therefore, an oral supplement is nearly like a BCAA injection because it reaches the bloodstream so rapidly.

Additional Comments:

M. McDougal: The usefulness of BCAA supplementation in a hypercaloric state depends on a few factors. If one is eating substantially above maintenance calories with lots of protein, benefit may be limited. However, for the most part I’m not a big fan of eating well above maintenance unless one is trying to hit a weight goal under a time constraint.

Unless somebody has a very long way to opt for either muscle get or fat loss (super skinny or obese), I’d rather see people following a lot more of a dialed in re-comping technique involving adding small amounts of muscle and dropping small amounts of fat concurrently.

Under these circumstances, I think one can find value in adding high doses of BCAA, especially during and after workouts. This way, one can keep their total calories lower to lessen fat get while still keeping protein synthesis high by reaping the benefits the mTOR cascade we’ve all heard so much about in the past year. In my experience, one could minimize daily calories by about 300-500 and not sacrifice any lean body mass if BCAA intake is high enough around workouts.

Aside from potentiating a lower calorie re-comp, a high dose of BCAA during workouts (30-40g) tends to substantially minimize DOMS. In addition to the empirical evidence, this was also demonstrated in a study last year out of Japan with athletes finding minimized soreness after a squat workout. I don’t really care about being less sore, but what I do care about is being able to successfully train 3-4 extra days out of the month due to accelerated recovery.

My Thoughts: If you are consuming a sufficient quantity of protein there is no need for BCAA supplementation (from a physiological standpoint). It is hard to get this point across to athletes who have been supplementing with BCAAs for the past 5-6 years (or longer). Dietary Supplementation seems to offer a psychological benefit to some athletes (because that’s what they have always done and lots of don’t like change). If this is the case BCAAs may be beneficial.

About the Contributors:

Marc McDougal is the president of evolution training Concepts, a company that takes cutting edge training and nutrition practices into the corporate environment. Marc studied exercise and sports science at Colorado state University, and has been working in the training/strength coaching field considering that 1997. He is an experienced fitness writer, with lots of published articles in the area of strength training, nutrition, rehab, and performance enhancement. Not only has Marc published articles in many fitness magazines and webzines, but he also gives seminars to high schooland college athletes on performance enhancement; and has been interviewed on BodybuildingRadio.com, appeared in a television interview about his nutrition methods.

Jamie Hale is the author of knowledge and Nonsense: the science of Nutrition and Exercise. visit his site at www.maxcondition.com

Bryan Haycock, MS is widely recognized as the designer of hypertrophy certain training (HST). HST arose out of the current in muscle cell research and has rapidly gained Camiseta Selección de fútbol de Arabia Saudita a worldwide following. Bryan is also a well-know writer/speaker in the bodybuilding industry and has gained an remarkably strong track record for his knowledge in the nutrition and exercise physiology fields. He has a masters in exercise physiology, has served as an NPC judge, and has been certified through the NSCA (CSCS) and ACE.

Justin Harris is a top national bodybuilding champion and nationally qualified powerlifting champion with an elite classification at 275 lbs. He is the owner of Troponin Nutrition and Camiseta Bologna FC 1909 Troponin supplements (www.troponinnutrition.com and www.troponinsupplements.com) and is sponsored by optimum Nutrition, American Bodybuilding, EliteFTS, and true Protein. He has a degree in exercise science and echocardiography and has been published at MuscularDevelopment.com. He’s also been featured in Ironman magazine and is seen each month in Flex, muscle and Fitness, and Muscular Development. Justin is the nutritional editor of great Lakes fitness extreme (www.xtrememusclemag.com) and has been featured on the cover of optimum Lifestyles, American Hardline, and great Lakes fitness extreme magazines. To contact Justin or one of his nutritionists, visit www.troponinnutrition.com or www.musclemayhem.com (his competitor’s forum) or email him at troponin@troponinnutrition.com.

Dan Moore is the founder of MaxStimulation () and Hypertrophy-Research.com (). He is recognized worldwide as one of the leading authorities on hypertrophy research. Dan served as primary research associate for Jamie Hale’s book, protein Essentials.

Martin Berkhan has pioneered the concept of intermittent fasting in combination with weightlifting in buy to improve body composition. The diet has sparked dispute and is the antithesis of the traditional, high meal frequency diets normally employed by bodybuilders. Martin is a personal trainer and magazine writer living in Sweden. He has a bachelor’s degree in medical sciences and education with a major in public health sciences. For a lot more information about his diet approach, visit www.leangains.blogspot.com.

Alan Aragon has over thirteen years of success in the fitness field. He earned his Bachelors and Masters of Nutritional science with top honors. Alan is a continuing education provider for the commission on Dietetic Registration, the national Academy of sports Medicine, the American Council on Exercise, and the national strength and Conditioning Association. visit his web site at www.alanaragon.com.

Layne Norton is a IFPA and NGA professional. For a lot more information, visit www.physiquescience.com.


1. Koopman R, Wagenmakers AJ, Manders RJ, Zorenc AH, Senden JM, Gorselink M, Keizer HA, van Loon LJ (2005) combined ingestion of protein and complimentary leucine with carbohydrate increases post-exercise muscle protein synthesis in vivo in male subjects. Am J Physiol Endocrinol Metab 288(4):E645–53.

2. Norton LE, Layman DK, Garlick PJ, Brana D, Anthony TG, Zhao L, Devkota S, and walker DA (2007) Translational controls of skeletal muscle protein synthesis are delayed and prolonged associated with ingestion of a complete meal. Experimental Biology meeting abstracts [on CD-ROM], abstract #694.6.

3. Bohe J, low JF, Wolfe RR, Rennie MJ (2001) Latency and duration of stimulation of human muscle protein synthesis during continuous infusion of amino acids. J Physiol 532(Pt 2):575–9.

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