Feed a Monica Starve a Fever

Dec 5, 2022 Uncategorized

You understand the phrase – “Feed a cold, starve a fever”?

Well, my throat hurts so I don’t autumn under either of those categories. however I do understand that I never starve a Monica. It’s just not right.
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Anyways, we left off with me hanging out at my mom’s. I didn’t publish once again last night since I was tired as well as still feeling ‘off’.  even though I wasn’t hungry, I stole a lot of my Camiseta Ajax brother’s fries.

Oddly, I am always hungry for watermelon. I ate this while visiting my Grams.

I brought her a bundle of cookies, however she insisted I have one too. Grandmas are like that.

When my mom got out of work she took pity on my unfortunate marathon training feet as well as treated me to pedicure. thanks Mom!

Then, I hung out for a while before heading home. since I’m still feeling ill I stopped at WF for a juice, however it appeared like the juice bar was closing up shop. I grabbed some food instead.

I relaxed on the couch for a bit before going Camiseta Stade Rennais FC to sleep. I was hoping to get up feeling excellent this morning, however that didn’t happen.

Instead I woke up before 6am as well as my scratchy throat was still angry.

But, I don’t have breast congestion as well as am 1 week away from my marathon so I didn’t want to avoid my Camiseta Sporting CP last weekend run! I fueled up with a cinnamon raisin bagel.

These bagels are so much more bagel-y than bagel thins, however only have 20 more calories.

Served up with peanut butter as well as banana! note the peanut butter dripping off the sides of the bagel. I may save a few calories on the bagel, however I lather on the toppings with blatant disregard for calories. Priorities.

Since it’s my last run as well as I missed my method race last weekend I decided to drive out to long beach to get a feel for the weather condition I can expect next week. The photo makes it look a great deal darker than it was. The sun was happy to be out!

Get prepared to run!

It was about 70 degrees as well as there were tons on runners out! I hope it’s a bit cooler next weekend.

But, I just inspected the weather condition as well as it appears like it will be the exact same today. Oh well, it is what it is…

Today’s run was 8 miles. I kept my speed around goal speed as well as wanted it felt a bit easier Hopefully, it’s just that I’m not 100% today?!

I lastly got my juice on the method home. Hopefully, it acts as a magic potion as well as cures me.

I paired my whole foods hot bar with a piece of buttered sourdough. great bread doesn’t last long around here!

I requirement a nap! But, I’ll be back later to tell ya why October is going to be the craziest month of my life!!!



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⚡ by shareaholic


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