Losing Weight When You have Hypothyroidism Podcast #69

Feb 3, 2023 Sports And Fitness

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Hello! On today’s Run eat Repeat Podcast I’m answering 3 fantastic questions… exactly how do you lose weight when  you have hypothyroidism?  – must you do a shakeout run before a race? and  – Is organic food much better for you or just a lot more expensive??

If you have a concern for me you can –>>> email it or leave a message on the RER podcast voicemail line! email me at RunEatRepeat@gmail.com with “Podcast Question” in the subject line or the VM # is 562 888 1644 .

Weight loss as well as hypothyroidism:

Question: I’ve been complying with your blog for a long time as well as keep in mind you discussing thyroid issues.
I was wondering if anything altered with your thyroid administration that contributed to your weight loss that wasn’t discussed in your videos.
I was diagnosed with Hashimoto’s thyroiditis as well as am so curious about hormones, anti-inflammatory diet, etc…to aid in my treatment (asides from my thyroid meds).
Thanks, Karen

Monica: I’m sharing what I eat as well as what supplements I take to lose weight when handling hypothyroidism. inspect out the links below for a lot more info on messages where I share diet plan modifications as well as supplements.

Note: I don’t have Hashimoto’s as well as a great deal of the concerns I get about losing weight as well as having sufficient energy to run are from followers with Hashimoto’s disease. I have hypothyroidsm – my T3 as well as T4 levels are low. however what I do may not be applicable to you. always speak with your physician before making any type of diet plan or exercise changes.

Tools you need:

Weight Loss publish – notes on exactly how I lost weight as well as 6 suggestions on things I get healthier

Weight Loss videos – You can see my videos on exactly how I lost weight on my YouTube channel here

Diet modifications for my hypothyroid problems –

Why I eat romaine over spinach

Running with Hypothyroidism

Supplements I take for hypothyroidism:

Thyroid supplement – I look for ashwaghanda as well as L-tyrosine in whatever thyroid supplement I’m taking

Adrenal tiredness supplement – I’ve taken in the past however don’t currently take

Should you do a shake-out run before a race?

Question: exactly how do you feel about shake-out runs?  If you run before a race (half as well as full marathon), exactly how far do you generally run?  any type of recommendations on this would be helpful.

Thank you, Lulu

Monica: I don’t do shake-out runs before a race. I understand it’s crucial if you are going for a pr as well as going to go out quick – you must be heated up if you’re running at max speed! however for running a half marathon or marathon I believe it’s optional based on your goals for that race. If you are particularly tight as well as know  you normally warm up, stretch as well as then begin running – keep it the same.

Never do anything new on race day. That applies to warming up before a run too. So if you normally warm up before your long run or goal speed run – try to do a similar warm up before the race.

Is organic food much Camiseta Cerezo Osaka better for you than conventional?

Question: I’m honestly curious if eating organic truly makes a difference as far as nutritional value goes. I’ve never been a huge organic person since it costs so much a lot more as well as I always figured as well as apple is an apple whether it’s organic or not. Is there truly a lot more nutritional value is organic food?

Thanks, Jenny from Jenny Running on Life

Monica: It’s a lot more challenging organic being much better for you nutritionally.

The filthy lots are the 12 foods that are the most contaminated with pesticides – you must get those Camiseta Watford FC organic.

There are likewise a great deal of foods that it doesn’t matter as much if you get organic.

So while an organic strawberry may not have a lot more vitamins or fiber or wonderful powers over a traditional strawberry… the traditional strawberry may have pesticide residue on it that can hurt you long term.

This listing of foods you must get organic is from Dr. Andrew Weil’s website. It’s an updated listing with the filthy lots plus a few new foods added last year.

Foods you must get organic:











Sweet bell peppers

Cherry tomatoes




Foods you don’t have to get organic:

Sweet corn





Sweet peas (frozen)





Honeydew melon





Tip: If you can’t pay for organic think about selecting fruits as well as veggies from the ‘clean’ listing OR washing and/or peeling the foods from the filthy lots list.

Tip 2: get foods that are in season to assist cut down on expense (since they’re frequently less expensive during their height season) as well as they normally taste much better when in season too!



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