Weight Loss Wednesday– poor suggestions

Dec 1, 2022 Sports And Fitness

Hello! This morning I stopped at the health and wellness food store for a few new protein powder options. I am still very in like with my preferred Spirutein Cherries Jubilee powder, however it has soy protein. I’m trying to cut back on soy because I discovered out I have a low T-3 thyroid (supposedly it may contribute).

So I chosen up a few private packets to try out before committing to an entire (very expensive) can. Jay Robb is the Brad Pitt Matt Damon of the blog world so I figured I ought to provide him a whirl first.
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Unfortunately, I got a bit crazy with the ice as well as water as well as it was very watered down. I believe if I made it with much better measurements it would be good. however let’s deal with it, anything’s great with cereal on top.

Today I have some Weight Loss Wednesday suggestions for you. Some are good, some are bad. figure out which is which if you want the scale to go down…

Quick Weight loss tips:

1. select foods that are truly difficult to open like tight bit pistachios or anything in one of those plastic shell containers that slice your finger poor sufficient to need stiches.

2. eat your food. Duh, right? I imply – eat your calories don’t drink them. I feel like I’m eating  a smoothie when I put it in a bowl as well as scoop it up (with a Yogurtland spoon).

3. If you have a appealing food in the home – like cereal or candy, eat everything so it’s gone as well as can’t tempt you any type of longer.

4. plan a beach vacation… it’s simpler to stay on track with a deadline, right?

And perhaps purchase a “goal” bathing fit as well as try it on after a truly huge meal as well as proceed to take pics of yourself in poor lighting?

5. Pretend like your food is truly really tasty so people try to take it.

6. get sufficient sleep.

At all costs.

7. paint your nails your preferred fro-yo flavor (TARO!) instead of eating it. reward points if this keeps you from biting your nails (it doesn’t work on me though).

8. disregard the indications at the zoo as well as feed the monkeys. much better them than me…


Ever gotten a truly poor weight loss or diet plan tip? What was it?



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