Breakfast for Lunch

Apr 7, 2023 Sports And Fitness

This isn’t “Brunch” because I feel like brunch happens when you have a late breakfast/early lunch. But, I had my typical breakfast and then wanted eggs for lunch.

I scrambled up: onions, bell peppers, mushrooms, salsa and a little bit of spinach with egg beaters for this mix. served with a ww tortilla for scooping.
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No surprise that it’s served with an avocado ? I hate being so predictable, but I love eating these!

This afternoon I purchased a new granola and had to try it best away. This is a file photo because I was too busy eating to take a pic.  

Dinner was take out. After Ben got home Camiseta Chelsea FC we walked the perros and by the time we thought about dinner it Camiseta SSC Napoli was 8pm! I chose an old favorite – Cheese Quesadilla. I really just got it for nostalgia. This was always my purchase from a local burger place when we were kids.

My purchase at Taco Bell was a Bean & Cheese burrito and an purchase of Pintos & Cheese. I think it says something that I naturally didn’t purchase things with meat in them, but it wasn’t an ethical or nutritional choice, just my taste preference.

 Healthy shopping – yesterday at Costco the lady behind me said, “You eat healthy!” when she saw my food loot. Then, she went on to ask specifics about my mushrooms and other eats.

I love talking food with anyone, so I chatted away of course ? But, it kinda made me feel strange that someone judges me (good or bad) based on my food choices. That doesn’t make any sense because I put Camiseta OGC Nice my entire life and food choices on display here, but I guess I think of it differently?

Question: Does anybody (stranger or family/friends) say things about your food choices? how do you react?



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