Carb loading is No Joke

Feb 1, 2023 Sports And Fitness

hey there and delighted Tuesday! I’m feeling a little better today, but still have about 3 tons of mucus to flush outta my nose ifyaknowwhatimean. Sorry, that was gross. but it’s grosser for me. (source)

90% of the time I cannot decide on what to have for breakfast (mostly because I love ALL breakfast foods). I think I must just declare this meal my official breakfast and eat it until the end of time (it’s coming Dec ‘12 you know).
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I wanted PB toast and an Camiseta Ajax egg sandwich so I made one of the each – open face style! best of both worlds foods.

Last night I spent some quality time with my new Runner’s World. Apparently, carb loading isn’t just fun – it’s science! There is a great post about carb loading sufficiently to help avoid hitting the wall.

The post is called “Fill ‘Er Up” by Dimity McDowell. There was a carb load of info, but here are some of the most helpful bits…

Since you’ll be eating a lot of carbs – fill up on low fiber ones. This kinda goes against a lot of healthy eaters beliefs, but throw the high fiber grains out the window to avoid stomach issues and filling up too fast.

Start carb-loading 2-3 days before the race. It’s not just one pre-race dinner that will fill your tank.

EAT ALL CARBS! Okay, not exactly. But, the post said to switch your diet to 85 to 95% carbs. <- I was shocked at those numbers. Surprised, but ready I joke that I love running for the carb loading, but I do feel a little better that there is legit science behind it. So, I gotta get hold of a snack before I head to work. It’s science. Question: What’s your carb-loading meal or snack Camiseta Liverpool FC of choice?



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