Eating a lot more before a long run – 15 miles

Jan 29, 2023 Sports And Fitness

I am going to start boosting my eats before long runs. I normally only have one piece of toast with PB, but as I am boosting my mileage I need to increase my before run eats. Today I stuck with the toast and PB&J, and then added another hunk of bread with PB. I am boosting my before run eats slowly so I don’t upset my stomach ? each week I may add a little more.

Marathon Training: I did 15 miles today in 2:20:17. I felt really good through the majority of the run! maybe ice cream is a good carb loading technique. I also think the pasta with salt helped!
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This is what I took on my run – a water bottle filled with Camel elixir Camiseta Tigres UANL and chomps. I used to only drink water on my long runs, but have realized the benefits of chews and Gus on runs – do it, if you don’t yet!

On my run I thought about breakfast – hey, if I am running 15 miles I expect a good meal (or two) out of it! It always comes down to the age old question: “Smoothie or Pancakes?” I went with both and made a small smoothie to take pleasure in while making the pancakes.

I generally make my pancake recipe up as I go along. It is ww flour, oats, egg, cottage cheese, soy milk, baking powder, salt and cinnamon blended up.

When I poured the batter into the pan I added sliced banana. It was amazing! I also topped it with maple syrup and some PB post photo ?

Ben and I were going to do the sightseeing thing again today, but it’s raining. Actually, it started to rain on me at mile 13 and it was just drizzly enough that I loved it! We may postpone that to tomorrrow.

I just realized that we ate breakfast at 11:30am – this is why my weekend eats get so thrown off!

Make it a terrific Saturday!



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