Half Marathon training Week 2

Jan 27, 2023 Sports And Fitness

Hello! Today I’m checking with week 2 of the 1st half marathon plan… There’s a video explanation and the workouts from week 2 below. I’m answering a few running and food questions too. We’re talking about Weight training while training for a half marathon… What to eat while training for a half marathon… and … Can I run more than the program’s suggestion?

Let me know if you have any questions.
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Marathon training Day 2



Week 2 – first half Marathon training plan

I’m Camiseta Celta de Vigo going over week 2 of the half marathon training program and answering a few of the questions that came in this week.

If you are interested in joining the group training for a half marathon race in June …

sign up for the 1st half Marathon training plan June group here

And here is my video guide on the second week of the plan…

Half Marathon training questions Week 2

Question: Hi Monica!

Hope you’re having an outstanding day!

First off, you’re totally doing an outstanding public service with this, so really, thank you.

I have two points that I’d really appreciate you addressing in an upcoming YouTube video for the 1/2 marathon training, if you can:

1) If I’m doing weight training, any recommendations for timing with the 1/2 marathon training.  I typically feel like I can’t walk after leg day, let alone run.  ?  However, I feel like I’m more prone to injury when I don’t strength train, so I don’t want to stop altogether (plus, I’ve already committed to a personal trainer for the next two months…the truth emerges…)

2) Fuel.  You mention this a couple of times during the first week’s video.  any tips for eating? (And NOT eating too much… this always happens to me!)

If you’ve already addressed this elsewhere, feel free to redirect me.  No need to repeat yourself.  (Insert clever pun about your blog name here.)

Thanks SO much!!

Sham from Canada

RER: work with your personal trainer to create a strength training plan that helps you run stronger – not take away from your running. and make sure they know your injury history so they can incorporate exercises that will strengthen any weaknesses and help keep you healthy.

Fuel… working on a post about what to eat before and after a run. more on the video too!

Question: I usually run first thing in morning after I drop my daughter off at school, I’m fairly new to running so I’m wondering what I should be eating before I run?

RER:  If you’re running in the morning something like a piece of toast with PB or a banana are easy. You just need something that fuels your workout – so this is a little dependent on what you’re doing and of course – if it agrees with your body.

Question: Is it okay to run on our “off” days if we take it easy and don’t over exert ourselves? Or is that a no no?

RER: good question! If you are already running more than 3 days a week Camiseta Eintracht Frankfurt – yes, you can do 2 more days (for 5 max per week). You can run, walk or do other cross training as long as you’re not too tired from that to do the scheduled days. It’s really up to you. If you know your body and you know you can do more and stay uninjured or burn out – do your thing!

For more running and fueling tips and information – subscribe to my YouTube channel!

Question: What’s on your running or workout Camiseta AZ Alkmaar schedule this week?



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