Last minute ideas before the LA Marathon from instructor Kastor, Ryan Hall as well as Deena Kastor

Nov 1, 2022 Uncategorized

yesterday I spent all the time walking around the natural products Expo West on the search for new, healthy as well as tasty choices to share on RER.

This isn’t new, however I am kinda digging the absurd amount of yogurt in this “five pounder” as the Chobani reps called it.
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But, THIS. This Camiseta Real Betis Balompie may modification my life:

(More on Expo West next week after I wind down from the marathon!)

After the expo I braved Los Angeles Friday night web traffic as well as barely barely barely made it in time to satisfy everybody for a pre-LA Marathon VIP party.

We took a huge Camiseta Selección de fútbol de Croacia celebration bus. It was fun!

We online in a world without can’t. Pass it on.

There were drinks involved. Gotta stay hydrated!

I went to sleep dreaming of the LA Marathon…

… as well as woke up this morning to this view!

The ocean beckoned me so I took a walk to the Santa Monica pier. It’s incredibly close – less than a half a mile away.

I kept it short since I had to be back by 8am for a pre-race shake out run with instructor Andrew Kastor, Deena Kastor, Ryan Hall as well as the rest of the running blog writer team.

The totem pole was our turn around point.

Deena Kastor stated you have to run around it or you won’t get the luck! I must have run around it 26 times!!

Looks like PavementRunner is prepared for a pr tomorrow, don’t ya think?!

Apparently this photo prefers to be on it’s side or Brian wishes to lay down…  (I tried to repair it as well as for some reason it won’t!)

It was a short 3 mile run, just sufficient to shake it out a bit before the long run tomorrow. however it was HOT.

We were all commenting on the race day weather condition which is forecasted to be above 80 degrees.

Coach Kastor attended to it in our post-run chat below.

After the run we took pleasure in breakfast outside. We’re being motivated to carb-load. Yes, please!

After breakfast instructor Kastor provided us some last minutes ideas for the Los Angeles Marathon…

LA Marathon Race Day Tips:

1. Do refrain from doing anything new on race day!!

Yes, instructor Kastor led with this idea that I’ve showed you before. even though it’s appealing to get something bright as well as shiny as well as new for the race at the expo – don’t utilize it for the race if it’s not something you’re already utilized to.

2. because of weather, think about altering your goals.

The race is going to be hot so you may want to readjust your goals. He suggested perhaps adding 10 to 15 seconds per mile.

This is undoubtedly just a gentle suggestion, however it is a great one to keep in the back of your mind if the race day temperatures are truly difficult on your body.

3. depend on the taper.

You put in the work. He shared a story of Deena Kastor not feeling prepared the week before she broke the American record. She rocked it even though she wasn’t totally sure she might hold the speed just a week before.

4. Rest, kick back as well as Fuel.

Take it simple before the race. I understand I get anxious before a race however this is a time to rest as well as get prepared to run a strong race. believe of it as storing up that energy to unleash on race day!

5. picture it.

Picture yourself running a strong race, crossing the surface line feeling great! The race ends in Santa Monica next to the beach. picture the Pacific ocean pulling you toward it. As you get better to the ocean (and the miles tick higher as well as higher) utilize this photo in your head to guide you to the finish.

I likewise chatted with Ryan Hall after breakfast. I’m a huge fan as well as like exactly how he shares his belief too. He stated his daddy provided him the very best advice, “If it’s not fun it’s not worth it.” We do this since it’s fun. sure we train as well as enjoy our nutrition as well as do all those other things so it will be a lot more fun – however it’s meant to be fun when you line up on marathon morning.

Right on!

Related: someday I want to run across the USA. must I made the Santa Monica pier my very first or LAST stop???

This photo is from my walk on the pier this morning!!

Question: When I run across the country… must Santa Monica be the begin line or surface line??



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