Whole Foods Cheese as well as red wine tasting event

Apr 20, 2023 Sports And Fitness

When we last spoke I was in San Francisco doing yoga in the airport. Yes. the SFO flight terminal has a yoga room. I can’t make this ish up.

From there I boarded a red eye to new York City. I don’t understand why I keep signing up for red eyes as well as hating myself in the morning however I do.
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I got a bit sleep, however not enough. I understand you can sleep when you’re dead, however that may come sooner than later if I don’t sluggish my roll.

When I got to the hotel I did what anybody who’s been traveled from OC to SF to nyc in 24 hours would do…

I went for a run!


I asked Tina to take this photo of me running in central Park. Yes, I look extremely man-ish when I run, however it’s not your location to judge.

Tina composes a bit blog called Crossfit as well as Cake, I imply Carrots n’ Cake…

Run – done.

Eat – at whole Foods.

The breakfast bar is ‘only’ $6.90 a pound! I’ll take it!

Then we hit the showers as well as went out to explore… I’m a suburbs woman all the method so nyc is a bit overwhelming to me!

T as well as me in Times Square.

Then, we went to Gente for lunch

Chocolate Bomba. Yes.

We had lunch with Laura, pr Coordinator as well as David senior director of business communications for Runner’s World. It was very awesome to satisfy them!

But, no amount of begging would make them agree to put me in the magazine. Oh well, some dreams die hard…

Finally it was time for the primary event! The reason I came out to new York was for the Rinds as well as Vines media event Camiseta Crystal Palace FC at whole Foods.

Oh my gosh! It was a cheese lover’s dream. I tried a million cheeses, told a million cheesy jokes as well as took notes to keep in mind my favorites.

The champion of the lot was… the Cranberry as well as Orange Goat Cheese log. Love.

And now I’m blogging from the hotel space speaking to you good people…

I desperately requirement Camiseta VfL Wolfsburg a nap, however I’m not sure we have time before dinner. send help. Or a Red Bull.

Question: Cheese or Cheesy Jokes?



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⚡ by shareaholic


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