Fitbit Success Stories: Annemarie

May 22, 2023 Sports And Fitness

Fitbit Success stories is a recurring feature on the Fitbit Blog. You’ll read inspiring and personal stories about Fitbit individuals who have achieved remarkable things as a result of their Fitbit tracker, diet, exercise, and sheer ambition.

At 48 years-old I was in constant pain and felt like a prisoner in my own home. just walking around my house caused my feet and heels to ache, and I was terrified I was going to end up dying young. I had tried every diet out there and even thought about getting gastric bypass surgery. but I was terrified of the recovery and complications, not to mention the cost of the surgery.

At over 376 pounds I was sure that I just couldn’t do it on my own. I ended up in the er one night. The doctor told me I had a heart murmur and was pre-diabetic. He recommended me to begin taking better care of myself and losing some weight. thinking about how much weight I needed to lose was overwhelming. but I was so worn out of popping Motrin like candy, and my stomach was regularly aching from to the overuse of pain relievers.

A few weeks later I was viewing The greatest Loser on TV. I saw that the heaviest woman they had ever had on the show was nearly as big as I was! I thought to myself, “If she could do this, I had to at least try one a lot more time.” So I started by getting on my recumbent bike and viewing The greatest Loser at the same time. Needless to say, it took several days  of building up before I could get through an entire episode.

Not only did I lose over 206 pounds, but I was finally able to satisfy a lifetime dream…

After losing about 16 pounds I joined Weight Watchers for the sixth time. It was the only program that had ever helped me and I felt ideal at home after arriving for my meeting in January of 2011.

I continued to increase my exercise and began my journey to success.  I purchased a Fitbit and clipped it on my bra. getting active wasn’t easy, but I was figured out to be healthy by my 50th birthday. I started exercising a lot more during viewings of Dr. Oz and The greatest Loser, mixing in all sorts of exercise and healthy eating ideas along the way.

That recumbent bike I mentioned? believe it or not, I ended up wearing it out from all the exercise. then I took myself outdoors and starting walking with a Fitbit flex and tracking my steps. I reached my weight goal on Christmas Eve of 2012 and made my lifetime status on February 4, 2013. Not only did I lose over 206 pounds, but I was finally able to satisfy a lifetime dream of mine working as a leader for Weight Watchers and inspiring others to be their best and healthiest self.

…always wear my Fitbit flex to keep me inspired to regularly set new goals.

I use the flex every single day, and I absolutely love the Fitbit app and how it helps me track my sleep.  It is Camiseta Selección de fútbol de Costa Rica so motivational and I’ve already walked over 3,000 miles considering that I got it.  I add my food using the logging tool to keep tabs on my calorie input/output for every day. I Camiseta Sevilla FC even have all the flex bands that are available, with a color for nearly every outfit!

My favorite thing about the flex is the silent alarm! It is a enjoyable way to wake up and I don’t disturb my husband when I get up early to work out.

I am now leading Weight Watchers meetings near my home in Croswell, and our integrated group has lost a lot more than 2,300 pounds. I am nearly 53 years-old now, not just healthy and pain free, but regularly inspired by my group members to take pleasure in life like I have never been able to before.

Sometimes I don’t even recognize myself in pictures, but I genuinely love what I see. I am regularly surprised that I was able to lose so much weight, and now I realize that I can do anything if I put my mind to it as a strong and beautiful woman. I am no longer terrified to reach for my dreams and am no longer a prisoner in my own body.

I still attend my meetings to keep me on track, and always wear my Fitbit flex to keep me inspired to regularly set new goals. I have muscles that I have never had before. It is just remarkable how much you can change your body with exercise. I am addicted!

The happiness of being “normal” and being able to fit into regular clothing, chairs, vehicles and airplane seats brings me happiness every single day that I get out of bed. If I could do it, any individual can! believe in yourself and Camiseta LOSC Lille all of your dreams will come true! You are worth it.

This information is for educational purposes only and is not intended as a substitute for medical diagnosis or treatment. You must not use this information to diagnose or treat a health problem or condition. always check with your doctor before changing your diet, altering your sleep habits, taking supplements, or starting a new fitness routine.

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