Pile on the Miles 2017–Day 2 – Podcast 29

Nov 14, 2022 Uncategorized

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Pile on the Miles Day 2!! ideally today’s podcast episode will be a bit more smooth (and fun). inspect it out as well as inspect in on my everyday Run report on Instagram. show up.

Motivation of the day…

My run log: Thursdays – usually stamina training. full body – however most likely focus additional on legs.


RER visitor / Runner tip of the day is Camiseta Paris Saint-Germain from Tina aka @carrotsncake

RER: You can provide one more runner ONE tip. What is it?

Carrots n Cake: listen to your body, particularly when it associates with your training. You may have 9 miles on your training plan as well as believe that you requirement to stay with it to see results, however if you’re injured, sick, over-training, etc., it’s okay to scale back to prevent injury, prolonging sickness, or Camiseta Club Tijuana extra inflammation. sometimes forcing a training run is method worse than taking a rest day.

What do you do when you feel like quitting? have a mantra? Trick? Other??

CNC: “You’re stronger than you think.” Mind over matter! as well as then just take it one mile at a time.

What’s your trick to staying motivated?

CNC: Not taking my health and wellness for granted. Someday, I won’t be able to run or exercise, however today is not that day, so I take full advantage.

P.S. Tina composed a book called Carrots N Cake as well as has a pug as well as introduced me to Mary Lou’s iced coffee in Boston.

Oh… as well as I just discovered this photo – I believe from Fitbloggin’ 4 or 5 years ago?  HA!!



Instagram difficulty for Day 2

Day 2 Run Scavenger search task: take a Pre Run Pic

Don’t fail to remember to utilize hashtag #TeamRER as well as @RunEatRepeat to be went into in the scavenger search contest!!

** For some reason (maybe since I’m a mess)  I listed Day 2 – “Lunch” in the listing however everywhere else the product of the day is “Pre-Run pic”. You can do EITHER the Pre-Run pic OR Lunch Day 2 as well as the other someday 3.**

Question: What’s your workout today?



Sharing is caring!







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