Hungry For modification as well as Larabar Giveaway

Sep 22, 2022 Sports And Fitness

hey there as well as delighted Wednesday!

I enjoyed the motion picture hungry for modification last night as well as liked it. I’ve been on the brink of wanting to change, however not being inspired or influenced to really do anything about it. The motion picture struck a cord with me (even though it didn’t truly share anything new).
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I understand diet plan soda is poor for me (especially in the quantities I drink it!). Well, the prolonged lecture in the motion picture on the dangers of diet plan soda lastly got to me as well as I’m going to begin breaking the habit.

The motion picture didn’t tell me anything I didn’t already know, however it did influence me to begin reading labels once again (something I pointed out I’ve been doing less of considering that last year). It likewise discussed the perils of SUGAR. I believe all of us understand that sugar as well as HFCS is in everything! This wasn’t news, however it may be great to spread the word motion picture to your household as well as friends.

The motion picture is offered to enjoy up until March 31 for complimentary on the internet here: hungry For Change 

Ultimately, it stresses lots of of the concepts I’m sure you already understand – eat whole foods, don’t eat so much sugar, treat your body well. I liked that it likewise stated DIETS DON’T work as well as it’s about a way of life modification to be healthier.

Larabar Giveaway!

Speaking of foods where you really acknowledge the components – Larabars are one of the few bars that offer whole foods all smashed up together.

You can win 2 Cherry Pie as well as 2 PB Cookie Larabars by leaving a comment on this post.

Contest closes 3/29/12 at twelve noon PST. available to residents of the us as well as Canada.

For discussion: This morning on my run I saw a youngster eating Chip’s Ahoy on the method to institution as well as one more eating a Poptart. What did you eat for breakfast as a kid? Does that impact what you eat now at all??



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