I requirement This Or I’m going to die

Feb 9, 2023 Uncategorized

(Well, I assumption I’m going to die at some point anyway, however I may die of unhappiness if I don’t get this asap.)

I walked to my physician visit yesterday considering that my new doc is incredibly close (thanks Obamacare). Unfortunately, they are moving office places in September so I won’t be able to drag my hypochondriac ass just across the street to get medical attention. Boo.
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I have some great news for people who did something embarrassing today as well as want a good friend to relate… I walked to my visit with an iced coffee in hand as well as somehow handled to decrease it on my tee shirt without realizing. So, I had coffee on my tee shirt all the time as well as didn’t realize.

I liked this random tee shirt too! Boo.

This morning I did a bit feline hugging as well as running.

It is hot here… you know, since it’s summertime as well as that’s what happens. I’m not complaining since I’d rather be hot than chilly however it makes it difficult to run. plus I was all sweaty while I was sleeping last night so that’s a double whammy to my body’s hydration.

Luckily, I still have a few Propel Electrolyte waters. This will assist provide me an additional push to moisturize up.

Okay. While I was eating lunch today I put on the Food Network (you understand so I’d have business to eat with) as well as Pioneer lady was on. Within the very first two minutes of the show she made this incredibly simple as well as yet amazing looking dessert = Pots de Crème.

I requirement this asap. If B-diddy wasn’t utilizing my cars and Camiseta Selección de fútbol de Argentina truck today I would already have gotten the components as well as eaten it directly outta the blender.

Question: When was the last time you had chocolate?



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⚡ by shareaholic


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