Fast girls – 131

Fast girls – 131

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Fast girls – new book out now about three fast female runners who made history, interview with author Elise Hooper. plus the ONE time my mommy told me to go to the doctor.

Follow @RunEatRepeat on Instagram for daily updated and check-ins! and today’s question for IG = book idea swap – chime in with a book recommendation.

 I hope you’re feeling fast today because we’re talking about fast Girls. this time ‘fast girls’ isn’t referring to your running group – it’s a new book that explores the gripping history of the first female runners on the us Olympic team and their journeys to the 1936 summer games in Berlin. 

I’m listening to fast girls ideal now and I’m ecstatic to speak to the author, Elise Hooper in the main event. So let’s get started with a warm up!

Warm Up:

How are you?? It’s hot here in southern California and it’s actually humid too! I’m not used to the humidity. 

I used to take an annual trip to Florida in the summer and it’s sooo humid there I vow you have to have gills to be able to breath. The humidity was 100% and it’s generally like running underwater. 

So I’m grateful it’s not that humid. but one of the worst parts of humidity is – it holds the heat. In SoCal considering that it’s dry… the middle of the day is HOT, when the sun’s out it’s hot obviously, but in the morning and the evening it cools off a lot a lot more than somewhere humid. 

But that’s NOT the case now and it was 78 degrees at 7am! That’s craze and it indicates you can’t get out early to ‘beat the heat’!?! Which is my go-to method for running in the summer. Boo. 

But – despite the rant, I really feel like we’re lucky to be able to run.

 There are a lot of other activities that are a no-go ideal now. gyms are closed. yoga studios, pilates studios, zumba classes, crossfit, spinning… so lots of of the ways people workout are NOT an option ideal now. but you can run. We get to run!! 

So I hope you’re having a good run ideal now! Let’s just focus on being grateful for what we can do. 

New Runner Resources:

The best ways to carry Water While Running. It’s a video on Run eat and YouTube with the Pros and Cons of each type of hydration running gear. 

And I found a new light bread that’s actually good! I got it at Costco and it says Keto friendly loud and pleased ideal on the label but it’s generally a low calorie, high fiber bread – 30 calories per slice. I posted about it on Instagram @RunEatRepeat so you can see pics of the bread and nutrition label there. 

The Q&A is coming back! So if you have a question you’d like answered on the show please leave a voice mail or email. 

The voicemail line is 562 888 1644 – call that number and leave a message with your question.

OR email and put Podcast question in the subject Line.

If you have a question while you’re running – stop and call or put it in your notes app so you don’t forget!

I’ll put links to the articles I pointed out and the voicemail number and email in the show notes on 

Now let’s get to the main event!

Fast girls book – Elise Hooper interview

In fast girls author Elise Hooper explores the gripping history of members of the first integrated women’s Olympic team, and their journeys to the 1936 summer games in Berlin, Germany. This inspiring story is based on the real lives of three little-known trailblazing female Olympians. It’s a terrific way to capture the stories of these incredible women.

I’m listening to it on Audible ideal now. and before this I hadn’t listened to a historical fiction book – so while the term seems self explanatory I asked Elise about it because I think it’s so interesting and a terrific way to learn about historical events. 

Main Event: Elise Hooper – author of fast Girls

Elise and I chat about:

What is historical Fiction?

How she found these runners

Summer Olympics

Learning through stories and books

How she’s staying active during the pandemic

and more!

Connect with Elise Hooper:
You can get fast girls by Elise Hooper at your local small book store, on Amazon, Audible and more.

On her web site – Elise

or Instagram – @EliseHooper 

I hope you took pleasure in that! let me know if you read or listen to the book and your thoughts. and if you have any book recommendations please chime in on today’s Instagram post with them!!


Today’s awards are this week’s FOOD favorites from Costco. These are my 3 favorite foods from Costco ideal now.


NEW Keto friendly Bread from Costco. It’s good!!

Three Bridges Egg Bites  

Stir-Fry Veggies from Costco – this is a staple I always get and always have on hand.

Close: Running questions and Podcast Reviews

If you have a question ask me – email Run eat Repeat @gmail or call 562 888 1644 

Please subscribe to the show and if you want to put good vibes out in the world – rate and review the show with 5 stars and kind words. I really appreciate it!! 

Thanks for listening!! have a terrific run!

QUESTION: What book must I read / listen to next??

Run eat Repeat Podcast – 131. Running podcast show notes are on



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⚡ by shareaholic


Hungry For modification as well as Larabar Giveaway

hey there as well as delighted Wednesday!

I enjoyed the motion picture hungry for modification last night as well as liked it. I’ve been on the brink of wanting to change, however not being inspired or influenced to really do anything about it. The motion picture struck a cord with me (even though it didn’t truly share anything new).
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Face Mask for Running or walking outside TIPS
Face Mask ideas for Running or walking outside during Coronavirus outbreak. Do you have to wear a deal with mask as well as finest choices for runners.

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0 seconds of 7 minutes, 15 seconds

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Podcast Recaps from Aug 6



I understand diet plan soda is poor for me (especially in the quantities I drink it!). Well, the prolonged lecture in the motion picture on the dangers of diet plan soda lastly got to me as well as I’m going to begin breaking the habit.

The motion picture didn’t tell me anything I didn’t already know, however it did influence me to begin reading labels once again (something I pointed out I’ve been doing less of considering that last year). It likewise discussed the perils of SUGAR. I believe all of us understand that sugar as well as HFCS is in everything! This wasn’t news, however it may be great to spread the word motion picture to your household as well as friends.

The motion picture is offered to enjoy up until March 31 for complimentary on the internet here: hungry For Change 

Ultimately, it stresses lots of of the concepts I’m sure you already understand – eat whole foods, don’t eat so much sugar, treat your body well. I liked that it likewise stated DIETS DON’T work as well as it’s about a way of life modification to be healthier.

Larabar Giveaway!

Speaking of foods where you really acknowledge the components – Larabars are one of the few bars that offer whole foods all smashed up together.

You can win 2 Cherry Pie as well as 2 PB Cookie Larabars by leaving a comment on this post.

Contest closes 3/29/12 at twelve noon PST. available to residents of the us as well as Canada.

For discussion: This morning on my run I saw a youngster eating Chip’s Ahoy on the method to institution as well as one more eating a Poptart. What did you eat for breakfast as a kid? Does that impact what you eat now at all??



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⚡ by shareaholic


Busted and Burnt

This weekend I stayed at the San Luis resort in Galveston, TX. It was ideal across the street from the beach.

The hotel was really nice, but dated. The décor was a little 80s, but maintained well. It actually reminded me a lot of the place we stay in Florida – touristy, usta be fancy but, laid back.
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4 minute Standing Core workout for Runners
Standing Abs workout you can do at home. No equipment core exercises you can do standing up before or after a run. fast tutorial on 5 workout moves for a strong core and to challenge your balance.

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0 seconds of 4 minutes, 31 seconds

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5 minute Run warm Up A



Added perk of America: We stayed in the Penthouse level and there was complimentary candy and water in the evenings.

And coffee, pastries, fruit, yogurt and juice in the mornings!

I fell in love with the views from my balcony. even though I was there for an event this view made me feel like I was on vacation!

I don’t know if it was spring break or what, but the pool was poppin all day and night! (People on the lower floors said  the music was really loud though.)

I also loved the running route ideal along the beach. I love to run on vacation, but don’t want to worry about safety or getting lost. I felt fine to run along the sidewalk near the water out and back.

But, I’m busted because I didn’t wear sunblock on Saturday. We were going to a press conference and the expo – both of which I wrongly assumed were inside.

Nope. I was sitting out in the Texas sun for hours and I got sunburnt

I do put on a moisturizer with sunblock when I wear makeup…

But, I don’t put it on my body unless I’m specifically going out in the sun. writing that just sounds dumb, apparently I didn’t realize the sun is everywhere.

So today I am burnt…

I plan on going out today and getting an “everyday” sunblock. Something lighter with a spf of 15 or so that I can keep on my shower room sink and put on instead of regular lotion (not that I put on lotion frequently I’m bad about that).

I hate getting sunburnt and know how bad it is for my skin. I want to challenge myself to put on at least a lighter sunblock for day to day wear.

Question: Do you wear sunblock every day?



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Eggs and Waffles

Last night I set my alarm for 6:30am. I wanted to knock out 9 miles before Ben and I drove around Maryland.

But, we ended up staying up till practically 2am! Let’s just say I hit snooze a few times ?
MY most current VIDEOS

Face Mask ideas for Running and walking Outside
Face Mask for Running and walking outside during Coronavirus outbreak.
Do you need to wear a mask? What mask is the best for runners and walkers?

Check out my best pick for a mask.
Plus the CDC’s recommendations on when to wear a mask and what kind during the COVID19 outbreak.
More on

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0 seconds of 7 minutes, 15 seconds

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Marathon training Day 4



I did eventually get up and off on my run. before I left I had a bowl of chocolate Cheerios. apparently Ben underestimates my ability to seek out food that is meant to be hidden.

Run: 9 miles in about 1:30. next week I am going to start pushing myself to speed up. But, I think I’ll speed up slowly – does that make sense?

I knew what I wanted for breakfast before I even got back home – chicken Eggs and Waffles. I’m sad to say that I’ve never had chicken and Waffles and I lived in the LBC where there is a Roscoe’s and everything. #fail on my part. I think I may cave and try it if I’m ever it up the Roscoe’s. I believe it’s a ideal of passage or something…

My eggs and waffles with Maple/Agave Syrup and love.

I also ate enough pineapple for my stomach to feel acidic. Yummy but painful.

Now Ben is taking me somewhere. I don’t think he knows where we’re going, but often you have to just get in the car and see where you end up… wish me luck.

Happy Saturday!



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Halloween Clementines

Hello! So, it turns out everybody except your Monican knew the right flavor of the brown tootsie pop. Crushed my self esteem a bit, however I believe I’ll get with it. Hopefully. One day…

This morning I did the normal running as well as eating drill. I still haven’t looked into getting my Garmin fixed. It’s on the To Do listing for the week, however not a incredibly huge priority.
MY newest VIDEOS

Face Mask for Running or walking outside TIPS
Face Mask suggestions for Running or walking outside during Coronavirus outbreak. Do you have to wear a face mask as well as best options for runners.

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0 seconds of 7 minutes, 15 seconds

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Marathon training Day 3



Epic egg sandwich with turkey bacon. Don’t mess around.

Yesterday was kind of weird. I went to the films on a Monday. Whaaaat??

I don’t know.

I saw Fury. It was good, however a great deal of war/shooting/violence.

I likewise made a incredibly cute as well as healthy Halloween treat – Clementine Jack ‘o lanterns.

I saw this on instagram as well as had had had to recreate it.

I am incredibly Camiseta AS Roma not crafty, however this was something I might manage

See ya later!

Question: What is the craftiest thing you’ve ever made?

Want one more simple Halloween Snack Idea?

Check out my Vampire Teeth Spooky Snacks! 

SEND ME Camiseta Selección de fútbol de Argentina THE WORKBOOK


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⚡ by shareaholic


Golden Retriever Won’t Take His medicine

My golden Retriever, Diego randomly started bleeding from a bump on his back near his tail yesterday. I took him to the vet as well as now I’m trying to provide him his puppy medicine however he won’t take it!

Okay, very first – what happened…

I noticed Diego’s fur looked wet in one area yesterday morning. It was weird since he hadn’t been around anything that would’ve gotten him wet like that so I inspected it out.

Well, it was BLOOD. as well as he had a huge bump!

I had noticed a little bump a while back as well as so had my buddy who puppy-sits Diego. We inspected it since we were afraid it was a tick or something – however it just appeared like a bump of skin.

I believe this was the cause of his huge bump issue, however can’t truly be sure.

Recently it seemed like the bump was getting bigger however it wasn’t extremely noticeable as well as didn’t seem to bother him. however when it started to bleed I realized it was something that may be serious. He didn’t seem to be in any type of pain as well as let us touch the area to clean it as well as inspect it out.

Yesterday I took him to the vet as well as it’s most likely an abscess triggered by a minor wound that healed over as well as got infected OR a thorn, fox tail or something similar that poked into his skin. The vet had to do minor surgical treatment to clean it out properly.

So… 4 hours as well as 1200 dollars later – Diego was back home. Yay!!

I went to the pet store while I waited for him to get an inflatable cone collar instead of the plastic cone. The plastic cones are truly difficult for dogs as well as cats to wear since the diameter is so wide they bump into everything. My location is extremely little so he already doesn’t have much space to move around. So when you add a huge ol’ plastic cone – he’s constantly bumping into walls, chairs, me… as well as it seems difficult to get comfortable to sleep.

I utilized a soft security cone for dogs after he got neutered as well as it worked well since :

a.) I work from house so he was supervised most of the time as well as I would’ve noticed if he was trying to lick his wounds

b.) I walked him sufficient to get his ‘sillies’ out so he was tired as well as would relax / sleep instead of poke around his wounds

c.) He’s a quite great dog as well as listens if I state no – so it wasn’t a constant battle of him trying to slip away to lick his wounds.

Just like people are different, dogs are different as well as this may not work for each dog or every dog parent. Do what is finest for you as well as your pet.

Diego the golden Retriever Won’t Take His Pills

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Golden Retriever Won’t Take His Pills!


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*You can see this inflatable cone as well as my other Doggo must Haves on Amazon here*
Keep going with these:

Cone of pity options for Dogs

That Time Diego almost Drowned

My dog walking must Haves

Follow @RunEatRepeat on Instagram for the latest running as well as funning! 



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⚡ by shareaholic


Good luck and missing Out

I feel so out of place with races and blogging. I still identify myself as a California girl/blogger, but I’m missing out on all the cool CA race scene. like this weekend’s LA Marathon!

My friends Terence and Kyna will be running their first marathon together in LA!
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Before We Were Strangers Review
Before We Were Strangers by Renee Carlino book review.
Quick thoughts and recommendations for audio books. The story, narrator, review and much more on the A good listen series.

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0 seconds of 9 minutes, 42 seconds

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Marathon training Day 3



Kyna is very new to running and has went from a 5K to a marathon in a year. Amazing! I want to wish them the best of luck Sunday ? love you guys.

I also want to wish everyone running LA this weekend good luck. I know chic Runner, Running Fat man and LA easy meals will be among the remarkable group of marathon runners rocking that race!!! good luck to all ?

My lame-o breakfast seems so anti-climatic in comparison to marathon talk so let’s breeze through it…

Questions: anybody else running a race this weekend? anybody running LA???

I’ll be at Fitbloggin ? how ‘bout you?

Bonus Question: any suggestions or guidance for the two first time marathon runners???



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Game night and Eggless dessert disaster

Last night Ben and I went to a friend’s house for game Camiseta Selección de fútbol de Corea del Sur Night! It was fun and food filled – just like I like it.

I started with wine because it makes game night 2x as fun ?
MY latest VIDEOS

Learning from a bad Run
Bad runs happen – here’s how I moved past it and learned from my next run. tip to help you become a better runner by being a neutral observer of your workouts.

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0 seconds of 3 minutes, 48 seconds

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4 minute Standing Core workout for Runners


The highlight of the night (besides the girls winning Taboo!) was fresh beer bread that Kim made. We devoured the entire loaf with spinach dip.

Seriously, these plates were bare in no time and there were only six of us! It was amazing.

I brought a veggie tray. I know you’re impressed with my fancy cooking going to Costco skills.

and Kristin made veggie chili and corn bread. even though we were all stuffed Camiseta Villarreal CF from so much beer bread everyone loved the chili ? I can eat freshly baked corn bread and beer bread all day!!!

In addition to the people guests there were a lot of dogs! Jake (the big Camiseta Borussia Dortmund one) hates seeing animals on TV and going crazy at them. We had fun watching his “trick”. He is fine with animals in person, but not on TV. apparently he has a big problem with the Pilsbury Dough boy too.

Kristin planned to make brownies, but used the last of her eggs in the corn bread. We debated what to do and decided just to make it without eggs. fail ? They were super watery, and  looked like they were boiling actually. and as soon as we put it on ice cream the brownie hardened like a rock! Oh well, it was a yummy rock ?

While playing the games there was M&Ms in the middle of the table and I partook. It was an indulgent night for sure!

We got home around 1am, hit the sack and I slept in until 9am! I think that’s a new record for me! I did some strength training with my new loot (in next post) and then ate breakfast… I really wanted cereal so I ate what I wanted (not rocket science for most)

and had some naturally more PB with the banana

I am trying to make cereal “work” for me by adding protein. I made egg beaters in the microwave and topped it with hot sauce.

It is noon and Ben is still asleep! I missed church today ? now I must go be productive…See you in a bit!



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Must know tips before You go to Disneyland

Disneyland and Disney California adventure is finally reopened after over a year of closures due to the pandemic. Disneyland was closed for OVER.A.YEAR. (It still seems unreal even though we lived through it, right?)

I went to Disneyland and Disney’s California adventure (DCA) to stock up on fairy dust and to see what it’s like in 2021. There are a lot of changes and new guidelines for visiting now. Luckily, most of the changes are good and some of the changes are just part of Covid-19 safety precautions that are to be expected. Overall, it was a terrific experience and I’m very happy I went.

Now I’m sharing the top 11 things you need to know before you check out Disneyland or DCA below. keep in mind – things are changing fast. check their website and app for the most current info.

And remember – the guidelines during the pandemic in California where very different from Florida. and the rules for Walt Disney world are very different from Disneyland right now. This info just applies to my experience going to Disneyland and DCA in Anaheim, CA.

I’ll link to resources for more information at the bottom of this post.

11 tips You need to know before You go to Disneyland in 2021

Disneyland Tickets and Reservations
You need a ticket to Disneyland and/or California adventure (you can get a ticket to one park or a park hopper ticket that allows entry to both) *AND* You need a reservation to get in. So you must check that there’s availability for the day and park.

If you get a Park Hopper Pass you have to choose 1 park to enter first then you can go to the other park after 1pm. I got a Park Hopper ticket but by the time I went to make a reservation California adventure was the only option to start my day. around 1pm I headed to Disneyland and got in no problemo.

See the Disneyland website for more info.

2 new things about the vehicle parking Structure
There’s a temperature screening outside the vehicle parking structure (before you get to the park entrance). If you park in the big Mickey & pals vehicle parking area cast members & signs guide you to a security check point. (This used to happen outside the theme parks, not here.)

There’s also a temperature screening check point here. There were several cast members with temperature devices and I barely had to pause as they checked.

The major difference from before is there were NO TRAMS to take you from the vehicle parking area to the theme parks and downtown Disney. everyone had to walk the route the trams used to drive. It’s not that long, but there are no attractions or distractions so it feels a lil boring.

Tip: Make sure you wear comfortable shoes. You’ll be doing a lot of walking around Disneyland and California Adventure. If your feet hurt before you even get to the theme parks – it’s going to be a long day.

Face Mask rules at Disneyland and California Adventure
You must have your face mask on at all times unless you’re actively eating or drinking in a designated area. Yes, we’re all used to masks by now but rules are getting more and more kicked back in public places, but not at Disneyland. Cast members and signs will remind you to keep your mask on as you’re walking around and in line.

And this means =  NO eating or drinking while in line for rides. So you’ll have to eat that churro in a corner or a designated eating area. You also have to keep it on during rides.

Disney Characters and Social Distance
There were a lot of Disney character photo ops, but you have to keep social distance.

Limited Capacity… but it doesn’t look like it.
The parks were only at 35% capacity when I went. I thought was was going to feel like they were empty and I’d be running straight to the front of all the lines and have tons of amazing photos without 100 other park goers behind me… nope.

It didn’t seem that empty because all the open attractions, stores and restaurants required social distancing. So the lines for rides are spread out. Then, rides maintained social distance by only using every other row (like on Pirates of the Caribbean and star Tours) OR only putting 1 group on a ride at a time (when we went on Radiator Springs Racers – it was just us in the automobile which left the row behind us empty).

Some attractions and restaurants aren’t open yet.
Some rides, attractions and restaurants are closed due to social distancing logistics and some are closed for regular maintenance. This changes typically so double check before you go!

You need the Disneyland App
Download the Disneyland app and make sure it has your information (sign on and credit card) before you go to Disneyland or DCA. This is the only way to order food at many of the restaurants, but it’s very convenient and easy to use.

You also need the app to get into a virtue Queue, basically their new ‘Fast Pass’ system. and you must do this if you want to ride star Wars : rise of the Resistance. You can’t do standby for that ride and must get into a ‘boarding group’ using the app.

The Disneyland app has a lot of other valuable features too. You can double check what’s open, park hours, look at photo pass photos, shop using the app and more.

Disneyland and Disney’s California adventure Hours
The parks currently have limited hours, but this is changing typically so double check before you go. Then, plan your day around park hours, and what you want to see most.

And Disneyland will be open to out of state guests starting June 15th.

Get a Disney or other fun face Mask before you go
Consider buying a Disney inspired face mask BEF ORE you go. You’ll be wearing a face mask in most of your photos so you’ll want it to be a fun one! They sell a few Disney character masks but not a substantial variety and you may have to wait in line to get into some stores. Don’t let that cut into your time enjoying the park! and kids 3 & over have to wear masks too. So if you’re little one isn’t used to it or doesn’t have one that fits tiny faces – make sure you get one before you go.

Disneyland and California adventure 2021 Reopening safety tips
There’s hand sanitizer stations and signs reminding you to keep social distance all over the park. but cast members don’t wipe down the wipes in between guests. So, keep this in mind if you or someone in your group has compromised immunity.

Open attractions, park capacity and guidelines change typically as we move forward from the pandemic – so double check the website and app typically before you go!

Have Fun!!
The most important reminder is to have FUN!!! It’s exciting that Disneyland is back open and life in southern California is getting back to normal after over a year. enjoy it! focus on all the things you can do.

I posted all these Disneyland tips on Instagram Reels too. follow @RunEatRepeat for that!*

My must Haves for a Day at Disneyland

A cute Disney inspired tee or tank – I love these…

 Disney Princess Tank 

 Little Mermaid zodiac Sweatshirt  

 Mulan tank Top 

 Disney bad girls Tank 

Disney themed face mask – get more than one. here are my faves:

Kids face Mask Disney – 3 pack 

Kids face Mask Mickey mouse – 3 pack

Adult face Mask My happy place for Disneyland and Disney Vacations

3 pack Disney face Masks for Adults & kids (Mickey mouse & marvel designs)

Reusable Water bottle (yes, you can bring it in and there are stations to refill your water). here are some Disney inspired water bottles if you want to go all in:

Mickey mouse insulated water bottle

Little Mermaid Insulated Water Bottle

Frozen Water bottle bpa free plastic

Next Steps:
Follow me on Instagram @RunEatRepeat – Check out my Insta Reels for short video versions of all these tips! DM me or leave a comment below with any questions.



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keep going with these:

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My dog must Haves for walking or running with your pup

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⚡ by shareaholic


Weight Loss Wednesday–Buddy Up!

Well, the whole “don’t eat at night” thing is going a lot better than ever before! But, I wake up hungry. So today I had breakfast before my run.

And I had a bad run because my quads are shot to hell from yesterday’s squats. Bah.
MY latest VIDEOS

4 minute lower Body workout for Runners
Five lower Body exercises for Runners! try this quick strength workout at home for your legs, hips and glutes. No equipment needed.

Glute Bridge
Donkey Kicks – alternate sides
Clamshells – alternate sides

Get more info on

More Videos

0 seconds of 4 minutes, 49 seconds

Next Up
How to do the lower Body workout for Runners A



But, I had a good watermelon and that’s really all that matters

It’s funny that I talked about how to approach living healthy without offending your closest peeps on yesterday’s Ask a Monican because my best pal recently reached out to me for support on this. She wants to lose weight and has asked me to help her.

So today Cindy and her little one came to visit.

We went over what she eats right now, how much she exercises and more. After a week of her emailing me her daily eats we’ve realized she definitely needs snacks on hand to avoid the Taco Bell drive-through.

I loaded her bag up with some bars.

And we did a light fitness assessment – it included a weigh-in, measurements, talking about her latest doc appt and setting GOALS.

Cindy’s Goals:

1. lose Weight

2. Run a 5k in November (!)

Today is day 1 of her journey and we’ve decided to email each other every night for accountability to start.

The plan for the next 4 weeks:

1. plan out meals on Sunday

2. email her weight loss buddy (me) every night with her eats and struggles

3. exercise 3 days a week.  She has 4 kids and no gym membership, so she’ll either be doing the intro Tabata workout or walking on her treadmill at home. In 4 weeks we’ll change this

Question: Do you have a workout or weight loss buddy? Do you need accountability to stay on track?

I totally need accountability, hence the ol’ blog

A healthy lifestyle with plenty of exercise and eating right can help to improve and maintain your Body Mass Index (BMI). You can calculate your body mass index using this nifty calculator found on the official BMI Private health Care site.



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