The trick stretch for tight Hamstrings

Aug 30, 2022 Sports And Fitness

Running idea – try This Hamstring Stretch

Get a lot more out of your next stretch session with this minor modify to a incredibly prominent stretch move. keep in mind to always kick back in to a stretch, breathe as well as stop if there’s any type of pain. as well as if you’re a lot more of a visual learner – I made a 9 second Instagram Reels video you can inspect out right here – @RunEatRepeat.

Hamstring stretch Hack

First, what NOT to do = Don’t lock out your knee as well as flex your foot. This may feel like it’s stretching your calves or the back of your leg since it’s tight. however that may just be tension from your directly leg as well as not really hit the ideal area you’re trying to stretch.

If you normally lock out your leg as well as then fold over… try it your normal method as well as pay interest to exactly how that feels. Then, try this method as well as note the difference.

How to stretch Your Hamstring

1. Place your leg on a low bench or step where you can safely preserve your balance to stretch. It must be lower than knee height. A curb works for this stretch.

2. somewhat bend your knee as well as somewhat point your toes away from your body. exactly how much to bend depends upon your flexibility. You can change this in the next step as you kick back into the stretch.

3. very carefully hinge ahead up until you feel the stretch. You must feel it in your hamstring, however may likewise feel a stretch in the back of your calves (especially if they’re tight). pause where you feel the stretch as well as let your body kick back into it. Breathe. Hold it for 15 to 30 seconds as well as then switch legs. (Hold it longer if your body is enjoying the stretch or shorter if you are uncomfortable.)

Don’t push yourself to a point of discomfort or pain. That will just make you tense up! stop if you feel any type of pain.

Focus on kicking back into the stretch. Pay interest to exactly how it feels as well as if there’s a difference between your ideal leg as well as left leg (note it in your Running Log).

How far you can reach or bend is not crucial ideal now. The goal is to prioritize stretching tight areas appropriately as well as check-in with your body. integrate this step into your normal stretching routine.

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Follow @RunEatRepeat on Instagram for everyday ideas as well as updates!




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