Why I Ate Raw chicken

Mar 30, 2023 Sports And Fitness

I am really the worst today. I think it’s because today is a rest day from running so I didn’t get to run the weirdo out of me this morning. I did a quick 30 minute lower body workout and then made breakfast. and that’s when my first fail of the day happened …

I tossed out my toaster a while back because I figured I could use the broiler in the oven to toast stuff. This has worked okay in the past. It’s not always terrific because it goes from cold to burnt to a crisp if you’re not standing right there checking it the whole time.
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I don’t mind burnt toast, but this was completely charred. Boo.

Where do you go when you burn the last roll? In the closet to hide (or still eat it in the privacy of your room).

Not really, I made something else and tried to give this to the cat. Oddly, he didn’t want my super burnt bread. Shocker.

The rest of the day was productive. I got a ton of work done, ran a few errands and even got vegas this box (from Costco).

By this time it was about 4pm, too early for dinner but I was HUNGRY. I snacked on some sugar snap peas with hummus but knew I wanted something more substantial. I put a frozen chicken nugget in the microwave for a minute, squirted ketchup on it and devoured. The inside was a little cold in the middle, but yeah that happens. Don’t you hate when the outside of your food is super hot but the inside is still frozen?!

I ate a few more bites of it cold but  decided to put the rest back in the microwave. That’s when I realized the middle was not only cold but also completely pink. It was RAW. The chicken was raw!

I thought it was weird, but maybe just processed chicken and maybe just dark meat?


Meh. I didn’t think it was that big a deal until I took a second look and confirmed it was completely raw chicken. The frozen chicken nuggets are not cooked and need to be baked.

I took the package out of the freezer and realized – yep, I made a substantial stupid mistake. It’s totally my fault, but I just assumed they were microwaveable pre-cooked nuggets. way to go Monican.

So now I am freaking out because I ate raw chicken and I might get salmonella and super sick and die. I might be up all night with the runs (not the marathon kind). I might turn into a salmon and wake up tomorrow with fins (I think that’s what happens when you get salmonella).

I am so mad at myself for being so dumb. I could really get sick. now I wait for the rumble and see what happens….

Question: Do you know what I’m supposed to do?

Have you ever done anything similar?



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